
Stream duck soup marx brothers
Stream duck soup marx brothers

stream duck soup marx brothers

That changed when it was time for me to find my first real part time job. Frankly, I was more interested in time travel, “Mystery Science Theater” and The Legend of Zelda. (And Hook, but that’s neither here nor there.) In spite of sitting through both of these movies many times, I was still just “A Person Who Watches Movies” while I definitely stopped the channel whenever The Adventures of Robin Hood popped onto WGN or sat in rapt attention for To Kill a Mockingbird with my father on the late night show, movies were always just movies. My mother adored Errol Flynn and Gene Kelly, and growing up my sisters wore out our VHS tapes of The Wizard of Oz and Singin’ in the Rain. My family lived in one of the newer and more obscure parts of the city– my neighborhood had about a half dozen kids in total, and while we ran and frolicked during the summer, the chilly fall and winter were the times for bundling up at home and taking in bad television and old movies on tape. I grew up in the southern part of a medium sized Illinois town of about 100,000, which was pretty much surrounded by corn fields for two hours in any direction.


I picked Duck Soup because it, more than any other force in the world, is probably why this blog exists and is as close of a thing to my own personal ‘Rosebud’ as there will ever be if you have no interest in reading about any of this, feel free to skip down to the section entitled “Hail, Hail Freedonia”. Today’s the “ CMBA Passion 101 Blog-A-Thon“, and what that mouthful is trying to convey is that I’m going to be telling you about ‘the movie’ that got me into classic film. A complete and healthy disrespect for every aspect of government and society.

Stream duck soup marx brothers